
ADDIU rx, immediate MIPS16e Add Immediate Unsigned Word (2-Operand, Extended)
ADDIU rx, pc, immediate MIPS16e Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, PC-Relative, Extended)
ADDIU rx, sp, immediate MIPS16e Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, SP-Relative, Extended)
ADDIU ry, rx, immediate MIPS16e Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, Extended)
ADDIU sp, immediate MIPS16e Add Immediate Unsigned Word (2-Operand, SP-Relative, Extended)
ADDU rz, rx, ry MIPS16e Add Unsigned Word (3-Operand)
AND rx, ry MIPS16e AND
ASMACRO select,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4 MIPS16e Application-Specific Macro Instruction
BEQZ rx, offset MIPS16e Branch on Equal to Zero (Extended)
BNEZ rx, offset MIPS16e Branch on Not Equal to Zero (Extended)
B offset MIPS16e Unconditional Branch (Extended)
BREAK immediate MIPS16e Breakpoint
BTEQZ offset MIPS16e Branch on T Equal to Zero (Extended)
BTNEZ offset MIPS16e Branch on T Not Equal to Zero (Extended)
CMPI rx, immediate MIPS16e Compare Immediate (Extended)
CMP rx, ry MIPS16e Compare
DIV rx, ry MIPS16e Divide Word
DIVU rx, ry MIPS16e Divide Unsigned Word
JALRC ra, rx MIPS16e Jump and Link Register, Compact
JALR ra, rx MIPS16e Jump and Link Register
JAL target MIPS16e Jump and Link
JALX target MIPS16e, MIPS32 Jump and Link Exchange (32-bit MIPS Format)
JRC ra MIPS16e Jump Register Through Register ra, Compact
JRC rx MIPS16e Jump Register Through MIPS16e GPR, Compact
JR ra MIPS16e Jump Register Through Register ra
JR rx MIPS16e Jump Register Through MIPS16e GPR
LB ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Load Byte (Extended)
LBU ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Load Byte Unsigned (Extended)
LH ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Load Halfword (Extended)
LHU ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Load Halfword Unsigned (Extended)
LI rx, immediate MIPS16e Load Immediate (Extended)
LW rx, offset(pc) MIPS16e Load Word (PC-Relative, Extended)
LW rx, offset(sp) MIPS16e Load Word (SP-Relative, Extended)
LW ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Load Word (Extended)
MFHI rx MIPS16e Move From HI Register
MFLO rx MIPS16e Move From LO Register
MOVE r32, rz MIPS16e Move
MOVE ry, r32 MIPS16e Move
MULT rx, ry MIPS16e Multiply Word
MULTU rx, ry MIPS16e Multiply Unsigned Word
NEG rx, ry MIPS16e Negate
NOP MIPS16e Assembly Idiom No Operation
NOT rx, ry MIPS16e Not
OR rx, ry MIPS16e Or
RESTORE {ra,}{s0/s1/s0-1,}{framesize} (All args are optional) MIPS16e Restore Registers and Deallocate Stack Frame
RESTORE {ra,}{xsregs,}{aregs,}{framesize}(All arguments optional) MIPS16e Restore Registers and Deallocate Stack Frame (Extended)
SAVE {ra,}{s0/s1/s0-1,}{framesize} (All arguments are optional) MIPS16e Save Registers and Set Up Stack Frame
SAVE {ra,}{xsregs,}{aregs,}{framesize} (All arguments optional) MIPS16e Save Registers and Set Up Stack Frame (Extended)
SB ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Store Byte (Extended)
SDBBP code MIPS16e, EJTAG Software Debug Breakpoint
SEB rx MIPS16e Sign-Extend Byte
SEH rx MIPS16e Sign-Extend Halfword
SH ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Store Halfword (Extended)
SLL rx, ry, sa MIPS16e Shift Word Left Logical (Extended)
SLLV ry, rx MIPS16e Shift Word Left Logical Variable
SLTI rx, immediate MIPS16e Set on Less Than Immediate (Extended)
SLTIU rx, immediate MIPS16e Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned (Extended)
SLT rx, ry MIPS16e Set on Less Than
SLTU rx, ry MIPS16e Set on Less Than Unsigned
SRA rx, ry, sa MIPS16e Shift Word Right Arithmetic (Extended)
SRAV ry, rx MIPS16e Shift Word Right Arithmetic Variable
SRL rx, ry, sa MIPS16e Shift Word Right Logical (Extended)
SRLV ry, rx MIPS16e Shift Word Right Logical Variable
SUBU rz, rx, ry MIPS16e Subtract Unsigned Word
SW ra, offset(sp) MIPS16e Store Word (SP-Relative, Extended)
SW rx, offset(sp) MIPS16e Store Word (SP-Relative)
SW ry, offset(rx) MIPS16e Store Word (Extended)
XOR rx, ry MIPS16e Exclusive OR
ZEB rx MIPS16e Zero-Extend Byte
ZEH rx MIPS16e Zero-Extend Halfword



ADDIU rx, gp, immediate MIPS16e2 Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, GP-Relative, Extended)
ANDI rx, immediate MIPS16e2 AND Immediate Extended
CACHE op, immediate(rx) MIPS16e2 Perform Cache Opereation Extended
DI MIPS16e2 Disable Interrupts Extended
DI ry MIPS16e2 Disable Interrupts Extended
DMT MIPS16e2 Disable Multi-Threaded Execution Extended
DMT ry MIPS16e2 Disable Multi-Threaded Execution Extended
DVPE MIPS16e2 Disable Virtual Processor Execution Extended
DVPE ry MIPS16e2 Disable Virtual Processor Execution Extended
EHB MIPS16e2 Execution Hazard Barrier Extended
EI MIPS16e2 Enable Interrupts Extended
EI ry MIPS16e2 Enable Interrupts Extended
EMT MIPS16e2 Enable Multi-Threaded Execution Extended
EMT ry MIPS16e2 Enable Multi-Threaded Execution Extended
EVPE MIPS16e2 Enable Virtual Processor Execution Extended
EVPE ry MIPS16e2 Enable Virtual Processor Execution Extended
EXT ry, rx, pos, size MIPS16e2 Extract Bit Field Extended
INS ry, $0, pos, size MIPS16e2 Insert Bit Field 0 Extended
INS ry, rx, pos, size MIPS16e2 Insert Bit Field Extended
LB rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Load Byte (GP-relative) Extended
LBU rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Load Byte Unsigned (GP-relative) Extended
LH rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Load Halfword (GP-relative) Extended
LHU rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Load Halfword Unsigned Extended
LL rx, immediate(rb) MIPS16e2 Load Linked Word Immediate
LUI rx, immediate MIPS16e2 Load Upper Immediate Extended
LWL rx, immediate(rb) MIPS16e2 Load Word Left Extended
LWR rx, immediate(rb) MIPS16e2 Load Word Right Extended
LW rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Load Word (GP-Relative, Extended)
MFC0 ry, r32, sel MIPS16e2 Move from Coprocessor 0 Extended
MOVN rx, $0, ry MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on Not Equal to Zero Extended
MOVN rx, rb, ry MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on Not Equal to Zero Extended
MOVTN rx, $0 MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on T Not Equal to Zero Extended
MOVTN rx, rb MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on T Not Equal to Zero Extended
MOVTZ rx, $0 MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on T Equal to Zero Extended
MOVTZ rx, rb MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on T Equal to Zero Extended
MOVZ rx, $0, ry MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on Equal to Zero Extended
MOVZ rx, rb, ry MIPS16e2 Move Conditional on Equal to Zero Extended
MTC0 ry, r32, sel MIPS16e2 Move to Coprocessor 0 Extended
ORI rx, immediate MIPS16e2 Or Immediate Extended
PAUSE MIPS16e2 Wait for the LLBit to Clear Extended
PREF hint,immediate(rx) MIPS16e2 Prefetch Extended
RDHWR ry,HWR MIPS16e2 Read Hardware Register Extended
SB rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Store Byte (GP-relative) Extended
SC rx, immediate(rb) MIPS16e2 Store Conditional Word Extended
SH rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Store Halfword (GP-relative)
SWL rx, immediate(rb) MIPS16e2 Store Word Left Extended
SWR rx, immediate(rb) MIPS16e2 Store Word Right Extended
SW rx, immediate(gp) MIPS16e2 Store Word (GP-relative) Extended
SYNC stype MIPS16e2 Synchronize Shared Memory Extended
XORI rx, immediate MIPS16e2 Exclusive OR Immediate Extended