SLTU rd, rs, rt |
nanoMIPS |
Set on Less Than, Unsigned |
Set on Less Than, Unsigned. Set the register $rd to 1 if unsigned register $rs is less thanunsigned register $rt, and 0 otherwise.
001000 |
rt |
rs |
rd!=0 rd |
x |
1110010 |
000 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
7 |
3 |
GPR[rd] = 1 if unsigned(GPR[rs]) < unsigned(GPR[rt]) else 0
SLTU encodings with rd=0 are used for the DVP and EVP instructions. DVP and EVP are required to behave as NOPs on cores without Virtual Processor (VP) support. This means that no DVP/EVP special
casing is required in hardware for non-VP cores,since a SLTU instruction writing to $0 naturally behaves as a NOP.