EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:5 |
imm 15:11 |
ADDIU8 01001 |
rx |
0 000 |
imm 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
ADDIU rx, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (2-Operand, Extended) |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (2-Operand, Extended)
To add a constant to a 32-bit integer.
GPR[rx] = GPR[rx] + immediate
The 16-bit immediate is sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form a 32-bit result. The result is placed in GPR rx.
No integer overfl w exception occurs under any circumstances.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] + sign_extend(immediate) GPR[Xlat(rx)] = temp
The term "unsigned" in the instruction name is a misnomer;this operation is 32-bit modulo arithmetic that does not trap on overfl w. It is appropriate for unsigned arithmetic, such as address arithmetic, or integer arithmetic environments that ignore overfl w, such as C language arithmetic.
EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:5 |
imm 15:11 |
ADDIUPC 00001 |
rx |
0 000 |
imm 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
ADDIU rx, pc, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, PC-Relative, Extended) |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, PC-Relative, Extended)
To add a constant to the program counter.
GPR[rx] = PC + immediate
The 16-bitimmediate is sign-extended and added to the address of the ADDIU instruction. Before the addition,the two lower bits of the instruction address are cleared.
The result of the addition is placed in GPR rx.
No integer overfl w exception occurs under any circumstances.
A PC-relative, extended ADDIU may not be placed in the delay slot of a jump instruction.
temp = (PCGPRLEN-1..2 || 02) + sign_extend(immediate) GPR[Xlat(rx)] = temp
The term "unsigned" in the instruction name is a misnomer;this operation is 32-bit modulo arithmetic that does not trap on overfl w. It is appropriate for unsigned arithmetic, such as address arithmetic, or integer arithmetic environments that ignore overfl w, such as C language arithmetic.
The assembler LA (Load Address) pseudo-instruction is implemented as a PC-relative add.
EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:5 |
imm 15:11 |
ADDIUSP 00000 |
rx |
0 000 |
imm 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
ADDIU rx, sp, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, SP-Relative, Extended) |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, SP-Relative, Extended)
To add a constant to the stack pointer.
GPR[rx] = GPR[sp] + immediate
The 16-bit immediate is sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR 29 to form a 32-bit result. The result is placed in GPR rx.
No integer overfl w exception occurs under any circumstances.
temp = GPR[29] + sign_extend(immediate GPR[Xlat(rx)] = temp
The term "unsigned" in the instruction name is a misnomer;this operation is 32-bit modulo arithmetic that does not trap on overfl w. It is appropriate for unsigned arithmetic, such as address arithmetic, or integer arithmetic environments that ignore overfl w, such as C language arithmetic.
EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:4 |
imm 14:11 |
RRI-A 01000 |
rx |
ry |
imm 3:0 |
5 |
7 |
4 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
ADDIU ry, rx, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, Extended) |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (3-Operand, Extended)
To add a constant to a 32-bit integer.
GPR[ry] = GPR[rx] + immediate
The 15-bit immediate is sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form a 32-bit result. The result is placed into GPR ry.
No integer overfl w exception occurs under any circumstances.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] + sign_extend(immediate) GPR[Xlat(ry)] = temp
The term "unsigned" in the instruction name is a misnomer;this operation is 32-bit modulo arithmetic that does not trap on overfl w. It is appropriate for unsigned arithmetic, such as address arithmetic, or integer arithmetic environments that ignore overfl w, such as C language arithmetic.
EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:5 |
imm 15:11 |
I8 01100 |
ADJSP 011 |
0 000 |
imm 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
ADDIU sp, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (2-Operand, SP-Relative, Extended) |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word (2-Operand, SP-Relative, Extended)
To add a constant to the stack pointer.
GPR[sp] = GPR[sp] + immediate
The 16-bit immediate is sign-extended, and then added to the contents of GPR 29 to form a 32-bit result. The result is placed in GPR 29.
No integer overfl w exception occurs under any circumstances.
temp = GPR[29] + sign_extend(immediate) GPR[29] = temp
The term "unsigned" in the instruction name is a misnomer;this operation is 32-bit modulo arithmetic that does not trap on overfl w. It is appropriate for unsigned arithmetic, such as address arithmetic, or integer arithmetic environments that ignore overfl w, such as C language arithmetic.
RRR 11100 |
rx |
ry |
rz |
ADDU 01 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
ADDU rz, rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Add Unsigned Word (3-Operand) |
Add Unsigned Word (3-Operand)
To add 32-bit integers.
GPR[rz] = GPR[rx] + GPR[ry]
The contents of GPR rxand GPR ryare added together to form a 32-bit result. The result is placed into GPR rz.
No integer overfl w exception occurs under any circumstances.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] + GPR[Xlat(ry)] GPR[Xlat(rz)] = temp
The term "unsigned" in the instruction name is a misnomer;this operation is 32-bit modulo arithmetic that does not trap on overfl w. It is appropriate for unsigned arithmetic, such as address arithmetic, or integer arithmetic environments that ignore overfl w, such as C language arithmetic.
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
AND 01100 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
AND rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
To do a bitwise logical AND.
GPR[rx] = GPR[rx] AND GPR[ry]
The contents of GPR ry are combined with the contents of GPR rx in a bitwise logical AND operation. The result is placed in GPR rx.
GPR[Xlat(rx)] = GPR[Xlat(rx)] and GPR[Xlat(ry)]
EXTEND 11110 |
select |
p4 |
p3 |
RRR 11100 |
p2 |
p1 |
p0 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
ASMACRO select,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4 |
MIPS16e |
Application-Specific Macro Instruction |
The formatlisted is the most generic assemblerformat and is unlikely to be used for an actualimplementation of application-specifi macro instructions. Rather, the assembler format is likely to represent the use of the macro, with the assembler turning that format into the appropriate bit pattern required by the instruction.
Application-Specific Macro Instruction
To execute an implementation-definable macro instruction
The ASMACRO instruction is the programming interface to the implementation-definabl macro instruction facility that is defined by the MIPS16e architecture
The selectfielspecifie which of 8 possible macros is expanded. The definitioof each macro specifiehow the parameters p0, p1, p2, p3, and p4 are substituted into the 32-bit instructions with which the macro is defined The execution of the 32-bit instructions occurs while PC remains unchanged.
Itis implementation-dependent whether a processorimplements any implementation-definabl macro instructions and, if it does, how many. It is implementation-dependent whether the macro is executed with interrupts disabled.
The 32-bit instructions with which the macro is define must by chosen with care. Issues of atomicity, restartability of the instruction sequence, and similar factors must be considered when using the implementation-definabl macro instruction facility. Failure to do so can cause UNPREDICTABLE behavior.
If implementation-definabl macro instructions are not implemented by the processor, or if the select fielreferences a specific macro which is not implemented by the processo , a Reserved Instruction exception is signaled.
Reserved Instruction
Others as may be generated by the 32-bit instructions included in each macro expansion.
Implementations may impose certain restrictions on 32-bitinstructions are supported within an ASMACRO instruction. For instance, many implementations may not allow loads, stores, branches or jumps within an ASMACRO defi nition. Refer to the Users Guide for each processor which implements this capability for a list of macros define and implemented by that processor, and for any specific restrictions imposed by that processo .
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
BEQZ 00100 |
rx |
0 000 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
BEQZ rx, offset |
MIPS16e |
Branch on Equal to Zero (Extended) |
Branch on Equal to Zero (Extended)
To test a GPR then do a PC-relative conditional branch.
if (GPR[rx] = 0) then branch
The 16-bit offset is shifted left 1 bit, sign-extended, and then added to the address of the instruction after the branch to form the target address. If the contents of GPR rx are equal to zero, the program branches to the target address.
I: tgt_offset = sign_extend(offset || 0) condition = (GPR[Xlat(rx)] = 0GPRLEN) if condition then PC = PC + 4 + tgt_offset endif
In MIPS16e mode, the branch offset is interpreted as halfword-aligned. This is unlike 32-bit MIPS mode, which interprets the offset value as word-aligned.
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
BNEZ 00101 |
rx |
0 000 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
BNEZ rx, offset |
MIPS16e |
Branch on Not Equal to Zero (Extended) |
Branch on Not Equal to Zero (Extended)
To test a GPR then do a PC-relative conditional branch.
if (GPR[rx] != 0) then branch
The 16-bit offset is shifted left 1 bit, sign-extended, and then added to the address of the instruction after the branch to form the target address. If the contents of GPR rx are not equal to zero, the program branches to the target address.
I: tgt_offset = sign_extend(offset || 0) condition = (GPR[Xlat(rx)] != 0GPRLEN) if condition then PC = PC + 4 + tgt_offset endif
In MIPS16e mode, the branch offset is interpreted as halfword-aligned. This is unlike 32-bit MIPS mode, which interprets the offset value as word-aligned.
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
B 00010 |
0 000000 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
B offset |
MIPS16e |
Unconditional Branch (Extended) |
Unconditional Branch (Extended)
To do an unconditional PC-relative branch.
The 16-bit offset is shifted left 1 bit, sign-extended, and then added to the address of the instruction after the branch to form the target address. The program branches to the target address unconditionally.
I: PC = PC + 4 + sign_extend(offset || 0)
In MIPS16e mode, the branch offset is interpreted as halfword-aligned. This is unlike 32-bit MIPS mode, which interprets the offset value as word-aligned.
RR 11101 |
code |
BREAK 00101 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
BREAK immediate |
MIPS16e |
Breakpoint |
To cause a Breakpoint exception.
A breakpoint exception occurs, immediately and unconditionally transferring control to the exception handler.
The code fielis available for use as software parameters, butis retrieved by the exception handler only by loading the contents of the memory halfword containing the instruction.
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
I8 01100 |
BTEQZ 000 |
000 0 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
BTEQZ offset |
MIPS16e |
Branch on T Equal to Zero (Extended) |
Branch on T Equal to Zero (Extended)
To test special register T then do a PC-relative conditional branch.
if (T = 0) then branch
The 16-bit offset is shifted left 1 bit, sign-extended, and then added to the address of the instruction after the branch to form the target address. If the contents of GPR 24 are equal to zero, the program branches to the target address.
I: tgt_offset = sign_extend(offset || 0) condition = (GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN) if condition then PC = PC + 4 + tgt_offset endif
In MIPS16e mode, the branch offset is interpreted as halfword-aligned. This is unlike 32-bit MIPS mode, which interprets the offset value as word-aligned.
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
I8 01100 |
BTNEZ 001 |
000 0 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
BTNEZ offset |
MIPS16e |
Branch on T Not Equal to Zero (Extended) |
Branch on T Not Equal to Zero (Extended)
To test special register T then do a PC-relative conditional branch.
if (T != 0) then branch
The 16-bit offset is shifted left 1 bit, sign-extended, and then added to the address of the instruction after the branch to form the target address. If the contents of GPR 24 are not equal to zero, the program branches to the target address.
I: tgt_offset = sign_extend(offset || 0) condition = (GPR[24] != 0GPRLEN) if condition then PC = PC + 4 + tgt_offset endif
In MIPS16e mode, the branch offset is interpreted as halfword-aligned. This is unlike 32-bit MIPS mode, which interprets the offset value as word-aligned.
EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:5 |
imm 15:11 |
CMPI 01110 |
rx |
000 0 |
imm 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
CMPI rx, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Compare Immediate (Extended) |
Compare Immediate (Extended)
To compare a constant with the contents of a GPR.
T = GPR[rx] XOR immediate
The 16-bitimmediate is zero-extended and Exclusive-ORed with the contents of GPR rx. The resultis placed into
GPR 24.
GPR[24] = GPR[Xlat(rx)] xor zero_extend(immediate)
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
CMP 01010 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
CMP rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Compare |
To compare the contents of two GPRs.
T = GPR[rx] XOR GPR[ry]
The contents of GPR ry are Exclusive-ORed with the contents of GPR rx. The result is placed into GPR 24.
GPR[24] = GPR[Xlat(ry)] xor GPR[Xlat(rx)]
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
DIV 11010 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
DIV rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Divide Word |
Divide Word
To divide 32-bit signed integers.
(LO, HI) = GPR[rx] / GPR[ry]
The 32-bit word value in GPR rx is divided by the 32-bit value in GPR ry,treating both operands as signed values.
The 32-bit quotient is placed into special register LO, and the 32-bit remainder is placed into special register HI.
No arithmetic exception occurs under any circumstances.
If the divisor in GPR ry is zero, the arithmetic result is UNPREDICTABLE.
q = GPR[Xlat(rx)] div GPR[Xlat(ry)] r = GPR[Xlat(rx)] mod GPR[Xlat(ry)] LO = q HI = r
No arithmetic exception occurs under any circumstances. If divide-by-zero or overfl w conditions are detected and some action taken, then the divide instruction is typically followed by additional instructions to check for a zero divisor and/or for overfl w.
Ifthe divide is asynchronous then the zero-divisor check can execute in parallel with the divide. The action taken on either divide-by-zero or overfl w is either a convention within the program itself, or more typically within the system software; one possibility is to take a BREAK exception with a code fiel value to signal the problem to the system software.
As an example,the C programming language in a UNIX® environment expects division by zero to either terminate the program or execute a program-specifie signal handler. C does not expect overfl w to cause any exceptional condition. If the C compiler uses a divide instruction, it also emits code to test for a zero divisor and execute a BREAK instruction to inform the operating system if a zero is detected.
Where the size of the operands are known, software should place the shorter operand in GPR ry. This may reduce the latency of the instruction on those processors which implement data-dependent instruction latencies.
In some processors the integer divide operation may proceed asynchronously and allow other CPU instructions to execute before it is complete. An attempt to read LO or HI before the results are written interlocks until the results are ready. Asynchronous execution does not affect the program result, but offers an opportunity for performance improvement by scheduling the divide so that other instructions can execute in parallel.
In MIPS 1 through MIPS III, if either of the two instructions preceding the divide is an MFHI or MFLO, the result of the MFHI or MFLO is UNPREDICTABLE. Reads of the HI or LO special register must be separated from subsequent instructions that write to them by two or more instructions. This restriction was removed in MIPS IV and
MIPS32 and all subsequent levels of the architecture.
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
DIVU 11011 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
DIVU rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Divide Unsigned Word |
Divide Unsigned Word
To divide 32-bit unsigned integers.
(LO, HI) = GPR[rx] / GPR[ry]
The 32-bit word value in GPR rx is divided by the 32-bit value in GPR ry, treating both operands as unsigned values.
The 32-bit quotient is placed into special register LO, and the 32-bit remainder is placed into special register HI.
If the divisor in GPR ry is zero, the arithmetic result is UNPREDICTABLE.
q = (0 || GPR[Xlat(rx)]) div (0 || GPR[Xlat(ry)]) r = (0 || GPR[Xlat(rx)]) mod (0 || GPR[Xlat(ry)]) LO = q HI = r
See "Programming Notes" for the DIV instruction.
In MIPS 1 through MIPS III, if either of the two instructions preceding the divide is an MFHI or MFLO, the result of the MFHI or MFLO is UNPREDICTABLE. Reads of the HI or LO special register must be separated from subsequent instructions that write to them by two or more instructions. This restriction was removed in MIPS IV and
MIPS32 and all subsequent levels of the architecture.
RR 11101 |
rx |
nd 1 |
l 1 |
ra 0 |
J(AL)R(C) 00000 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
JALRC ra, rx |
MIPS16e |
Jump and Link Register, Compact |
To execute a procedure call to an instruction address in a register
GPR[ra] = return_addr, PC = GPR[rx]
The program unconditionally jumps to the address contained in GPR rx, with no delay slotinstruction. The instruction sets the ISA Mode bit to the value in GPR rx bit 0.
The address of the instruction following the jump is placed into GPR 31. The value stored in GPR 31 bit 0 reflectthe current value of the ISA Mode bit.
Bit 0 of the target address is always zero so that no Address Exceptions occur when bit 0 of the source register is one.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a generaljump-thru-register operation, with the nd (no delay slot),l (link), and ra (source register is ra) fieldas variables. The individual instructions, JALR, JR, JALRC, and JRC have specifi values for these variables.
The effective target address in GPR rx must be naturally-aligned. If bit 0 is zero and bit 1 is one, an Address Error exception occurs when the jump target is subsequently fetched as an instruction.
I: GPR[31] = (PC + 2)GPRLEN-1..1 || ISAMode PC = GPR[Xlat(rx)]GPRLEN-1..1 || 0 ISAMode = GPR[Xlat(rx)]0
Unlike most "jump" instructions in the MIPS instruction set, JALRC does not have a delay slot.
RR 11101 |
rx |
nd 0 |
l 1 |
ra 0 |
J(AL)R(C) 00000 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
JALR ra, rx |
MIPS16e |
Jump and Link Register |
To execute a procedure call to an instruction address in a register.
GPR[ra] = return_addr, PC = GPR[rx]
The program unconditionally jumps to the address contained in GPR rx, with a delay of one instruction. The instruction sets the ISA Mode bit to the value in GPR rx bit 0.
The address ofthe instruction following the delay slotis placed into GPR 31. The value stored in GPR 31 bit 0 reflects the current alue of the ISA Mode bit.
Bit 0 of the target address is always zero so that no Address Exceptions occur when bit 0 of the source register is one.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a generaljump-thru-register operation, with the nd (no delay slot),l (link), and ra (source register is ra) fieldas variables. The individual instructions, JALR, JR, JALRC, and JRC have specifi values for these variables.
The effective target address in GPR rx must be naturally-aligned. If bit 0 is zero and bit 1 is one, an Address Error exception occurs when the jump target is subsequently fetched as an instruction.
An extended instruction should not be placed in a jump delay slot, because this causes one-half of an instruction to be executed.
Processor operation is UNPREDICTABLE if a branch or jump instruction is placed in the delay slot of a jump.
I: GPR[31] = (PC + 4)GPRLEN-1..1 || ISAMode I+1: PC = GPR[Xlat(rx)]GPRLEN-1..1 || 0 ISAMode = GPR[Xlat(rx)]0
JAL 00011 |
x 0 |
target 20:16 |
target 25:21 |
target 15:0 |
5 |
1 |
5 |
5 |
16 |
JAL target |
MIPS16e |
Jump and Link |
To execute a procedure call within the current 256 MB-aligned region and preserve the current ISA.
Place the return address link in GPR 31. The return link is the address of the second instruction following the branch, at which location execution continues after a procedure call. The value stored in GPR 31 bit 0 reflect the current value of the ISA Mode bit.
This is a PC-region branch (not PC-relative);the effective target address is in the "current" 256 MB-aligned region.
The low 28 bits of the target address is the target fielshifted left 2 bits. The remaining upper bits are the corresponding bits of the address of the instruction in the delay slot (not the branch itself).
Jump to the effective target address, preserving the ISA Mode bit. Execute the instruction that follows the jump, in the branch delay slot, before executing the jump itself.
The opcode fieldescribes a generaljump-and-link operation, with the x fielas a variable. The individualinstructions, JAL and JALX have specific alues for this variables.
An extended instruction should not be placed in a jump delay slot as it causes one-half of an instruction to be executed.
Processor operation is UNPREDICTABLE if a branch or jump instruction is placed in the delay slot of a jump.
I: GPR[31] = (PC + 6)GPRLEN-1..1 || ISAMode I+1: PC = PCGPRLEN-1..28 || target || 02
Forming the jump target address by catenating PC and the 26-bittarget address rather than adding a signed offsetto the PC is an advantage if all program code addresses fi into a 256 MB region aligned on a 256 MB boundary.
It allows a branch from anywhere in the region to anywhere in the region, an action not allowed by a signed relative offset.
This definitiocreates the boundary case where the jump instruction is in the last word of a 256 MB region and can therefore jump only to the following 256 MB region containing the jump delay slot.
JALX 011101 |
instr_index |
6 |
26 |
JALX target |
MIPS16e, MIPS32 |
Jump and Link Exchange (32-bit MIPS Format) |
To execute a procedure call within the current 256 MB-aligned region and change the ISA Mode from 32-bit MIPS to
Place the return address link in GPR 31. The return link is the address of the second instruction following the branch, at which location execution continues after a procedure call. The value stored in GPR 31 bit 0 reflect the current value of the ISA Mode bit.
This is a PC-region branch (not PC-relative);the effective target address is in the "current" 256 MB-aligned region.
The low 28 bits of the target address is the instr_index fielshifted left 2 bits. The remaining upper bits are the corresponding bits of the address of the instruction in the delay slot (not the branch itself).
Jump to the effective target address,toggling the ISA Mode bit. Execute the instruction that follows the jump,in the branch delay slot, before executing the jump itself.
Processor operation is UNPREDICTABLE if a branch,jump, ERET, DERET, or WAIT instruction is placed in the delay slot of a branch or jump.
I: GPR[31] = PC + 8 I+1: PC = PCGPRLEN..28 || instr_index || 02 ISAMode = (not ISAMode)
Forming the branch target address by catenating PC and index bits rather than adding a signed offset to the PC is an advantage if all program code addresses fi into a 256 MB region aligned on a 256 MB boundary. It allows a branch from anywhere in the region to anywhere in the region, an action not allowed by a signed relative offset.
This definitiocreates the following boundary case: When the branch instruction is in the last word of a 256 MB region, it can branch only to the following 256 MB region containing the branch delay slot.
RR 11101 |
000 |
nd 1 |
l 0 |
ra 1 |
J(AL)R(C) 00000 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
JRC ra |
MIPS16e |
Jump Register Through Register ra, Compact |
To execute a branch to the instruction address in the return address register.
PC = GPR[ra]
The program unconditionally jumps to the address specifiein GPR 31, with no delay slot instruction. The instruction sets the ISA Mode bit to the value in GPR 31 bit 0.
Bit 0 of the target address is always zero so that no Address Exceptions occur when bit 0 of the source register is one.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a generaljump-thru-register operation, with the nd (no delay slot),l (link), and ra (source register is ra) fieldas variables. The individual instructions, JALR, JR, JALRC, and JRC have specifi values for these variables.
The effective target address in GPR 31 must be naturally-aligned. If bit 0 is zero and bit 1 is one,then an Address
Error exception occurs when the jump target is subsequently fetched as an instruction.
I: PC = GPR[31]GPRLEN-1..1 || 0 ISAMode = GPR[31]0
Unlike most MIPS "jump" instructions, JRC does not have a delay slot.
RR 11101 |
rx |
nd 1 |
l 0 |
ra 0 |
J(AL)R(C) 00000 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
JRC rx |
MIPS16e |
Jump Register Through MIPS16e GPR, Compact |
To execute a branch to an instruction address in a register
PC = GPR[rx]
The program unconditionally jumps to the address specifiein GPR rx, with no delay slot instruction. The instruction sets the ISA Mode bit to the value in GPR rx bit 0.
Bit 0 of the target address is always zero so that no Address Exceptions occur when bit 0 of the source register is one.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a generaljump-thru-register operation, with the nd (no delay slot),l (link), and ra (source register is ra) fieldas variables. The individual instructions, JALR, JR, JALRC, and JRC have specifi values for these variables.
The effective target address in GPR rx must be naturally-aligned. If bit 0 is zero and bit 1 is one,then an Address
Error exception occurs when the jump target is subsequently fetched as an instruction.
I: PC = GPR[Xlat(rx)]GPRLEN-1..1 || 0 ISAMode = GPR[Xlat(rx)]0
Unlike most MIPS "jump" instructions, JRC does not have a delay slot.
RR 11101 |
000 |
nd 0 |
l 0 |
ra 1 |
J(AL)R(C) 00000 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
JR ra |
MIPS16e |
Jump Register Through Register ra |
To execute a branch to the instruction address in the return address register.
PC = GPR[ra]
The program unconditionally jumps to the address specifiein GPR 31, with a delay of one instruction. The instruction sets the ISA Mode bit to the value in GPR 31 bit 0.
Bit 0 of the target address is always zero so that no Address Exceptions occur when bit 0 of the source register is one.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a generaljump-thru-register operation, with the nd (no delay slot),l (link), and ra (source register is ra) fieldas variables. The individual instructions, JALR, JR, JALRC, and JRC have specifi values for these variables.
The effective target address in GPR 31 must be naturally-aligned. If bit 0 is zero and bit 1 is one,then an Address
Error exception occurs when the jump target is subsequently fetched as an instruction.
An extended instruction should not be placed in a jump delay slot, because this causes one-half of an instruction to be executed.
Processor operation is UNPREDICTABLE if a branch or jump instruction is placed in the delay slot of a jump.
I+1: PC = GPR[31]GPRLEN-1..1 || 0 ISAMode = GPR[31]0
RR 11101 |
rx |
nd 0 |
l 0 |
ra 0 |
J(AL)R(C) 00000 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
JR rx |
MIPS16e |
Jump Register Through MIPS16e GPR |
To execute a branch to an instruction address in a register.
PC = GPR[rx]
The program unconditionally jumps to the address specifiein GPR rx, with a delay of one instruction. The instruction sets the ISA Mode bit to the value in GPR rx bit 0.
Bit 0 of the target address is always zero so that no Address Exceptions occur when bit 0 of the source register is one.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a generaljump-thru-register operation, with the nd (no delay slot),l (link), and ra (source register is ra) fieldas variables. The individual instructions, JALR, JR, JALRC, and JRC have specifi values for these variables.
The effective target address in GPR rx must be naturally aligned. If bit 0 is zero and bit 1 is one,then an Address
Error exception occurs when the jump target is subsequently fetched as an instruction.
An extended instruction should not be placed in a jump delay slot, because this causes one-half of an instruction to be executed.
Processor operation is UNPREDICTABLE if a branch or jump instruction is placed in the delay slot of a jump.
I+1: PC = GPR[Xlat(rx)]GPRLEN-1..1 || 0 ISAMode = GPR[Xlat(rx)]0
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
LB 10000 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LB ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Load Byte (Extended) |
Load Byte (Extended)
To load a byte from memory as a signed value.
GPR[ry] = memory[GPR[rx] + offset]
The 16-bit offset is sign-extended, then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The contents of the byte at the memory location specified by the e fective address are sign-extended and loaded into GPR ry.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) pAddr = pAddrPSIZE-1..2 || (pAddr1..0 xor ReverseEndian2) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, BYTE, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) byte = vAddr1..0 xor BigEndianCPU2 GPR[Xlat(ry)] = sign_extend(memword7+8*byte..8*byte)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, Bus Error, Address Error
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
LBU 10100 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LBU ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Load Byte Unsigned (Extended) |
Load Byte Unsigned (Extended)
To load a byte from memory as an unsigned value
GPR[ry] = memory[GPR[rx] + offset]
The 16-bit offset is sign-extended, then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The contents of the byte at the memory location specified by the e fective address are zero-extended and loaded into GPR ry.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) pAddr = pAddrPSIZE-1..2 || (pAddr1..0 xor ReverseEndian2) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, BYTE, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) byte = vAddr1..0 xor BigEndianCPU2 GPR[Xlat(ry)] = zero_extend(memword7+8*byte..8*byte)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, Bus Error, Address Error
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
LH 10001 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LH ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Load Halfword (Extended) |
Load Halfword (Extended)
To load a halfword from memory as a signed value.
GPR[ry] = memory[GPR[rx] + offset]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The contents of the halfword at the memory location specifie by the effective address are sign-extended and loaded into GPR
The effective address must be naturally-aligned.Ifthe least-significanbit ofthe address is non-zero, an Address
Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] if vAddr0 != 0 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) pAddr = pAddrPSIZE-1..2 || (pAddr1..0 xor (ReverseEndian || 0)) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, HALFWORD, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) byte = vAddr1..0 xor (BigEndianCPU || 0) GPR[Xlat(ry)] = sign_extend(memword15+8*byte..8*byte)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, Bus Error, Address Error
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
LHU 10101 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LHU ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Load Halfword Unsigned (Extended) |
Load Halfword Unsigned (Extended)
To load a halfword from memory as an unsigned value.
GPR[ry] = memory[GPR[rx] + offset]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The contents of the halfword at the memory location specifie by the effective address are zero-extended and loaded into GPR
The effective address must be naturally-aligned.Ifthe least-significanbit ofthe address is non-zero, an Address
Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] if vAddr0 != 0 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) pAddr = pAddrPSIZE-1..2 || (pAddr1..0 xor (ReverseEndian || 0)) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, HALFWORD, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) byte = vAddr1..0 xor (BigEndianCPU || 0) GPR[Xlat(ry)] = zero_extend(memword15+8*byte..8*byte)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, Bus Error, Address Error
EXTEND 11110 |
immediate 10:5 |
immediate 15:11 |
LI 01101 |
rx |
0 000 |
iummediate 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LI rx, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Load Immediate (Extended) |
Load Immediate (Extended)
To load a constant into a GPR.
GPR[rx] = immediate
The 16-bit immediate is zero-extended and then loaded into GPR rx.
GPR[Xlat(rx)] = zero_extend(immediate)
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
LWPC 10110 |
rx |
0 000 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LW rx, offset(pc) |
MIPS16e |
Load Word (PC-Relative, Extended) |
Load Word (PC-Relative, Extended)
To load a PC-relative word from memory as a signed value.
GPR[rx] = memory[PC + offset]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and added to the address of the LW instruction;this forms the effective address.
Before the addition,the 2 lower bits ofthe instruction address are cleared. The contents ofthe 32-bit word atthe memory location specified by the e fective address are loaded into GPR rx.
A PC-relative, extended LW may not be placed in the delay slot of a jump instruction.
The effective address must be naturally-aligned. If either of the 2 least-significanbits of the address is non-zero, an
Address Error exception occurs.
vAddr = (PCGPRLEN-1..2 || 02) + sign_extend(offset) if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, WORD, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) GPR[Xlat(rx)] = memword
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, Bus Error, Address Error
Programming Note
For the purposes of watchpoints (provided by the CP0 WatchHi and WatchLo registers) and EJTAG breakpoints, the
PC-relative reference is considered to be a data, rather than an instruction reference. That is, the watchpoint or breakpoint is triggered only if enabled for data references.
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
LWSP 10010 |
rx |
0 000 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LW rx, offset(sp) |
MIPS16e |
Load Word (SP-Relative, Extended) |
Load Word (SP-Relative, Extended)
To load an SP-relative word from memory as a signed value.
GPR[rx] = memory[GPR[sp] + offset]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR 29 to form the effective address. The contents of the word at the memory location specified by the e fective address are loaded into GPR rx.
The effective address must be naturally-aligned. If either of the 2 least-significanbits of the address is non-zero, an
Address Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[29] if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, WORD, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) GPR[Xlat(ry)] = memword
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, Bus Error, Address Error
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
LW 10011 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
LW ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Load Word (Extended) |
Load Word (Extended)
To load a word from memory as a signed value.
GPR[ry] = memory[GPR[rx] + offset]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The contents of the word at the memory location specified by the e fective address are loaded into GPR ry.
The effective address must be naturally-aligned. If either of the 2 least-significanbits of the address is non-zero, an
Address Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, WORD, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) GPR[Xlat(ry)] = memword
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, Bus Error, Address Error
RR 11101 |
rx |
0 000 |
MFHI 10000 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
MFHI rx |
MIPS16e |
Move From HI Register |
Move From HI Register
To copy the special purpose HI register to a GPR.
GPR[rx] = HI
The contents of special register HI are loaded into GPR rx.
GPR[Xlat(rx)] = HI
In the MIPS I, II, and III architectures, the two instructions which follow the MFHI must not moodify the HI register.
If this restriction is violated,the result of the MFHI is UNPREDICTABLE. This restriction was removed in MIPS
IV and MIPS32, and all subsequent levels of the architecture.
RR 11101 |
rx |
0 000 |
MFLO 10010 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
MFLO rx |
MIPS16e |
Move From LO Register |
Move From LO Register
To copy the special purpose LO register to a GPR.
GPR[rx] = LO
The contents of special register LO are loaded into GPR rx.
GPR[Xlat(rx)] = LO
In the MIPS I, II, and III architectures, the two instructions which follow the MFHI must not moodify the HI register.
If this restriction is violated,the result of the MFHI is UNPREDICTABLE. This restriction was removed in MIPS
IV and MIPS32, and all subsequent levels of the architecture.
I8 01100 |
MOV32R 101 |
r32 2:0 |
r32 4:3 |
rz |
5 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
MOVE r32, rz |
MIPS16e |
Move |
To move the contents of a GPR to a GPR.
GPR[r32] = GPR[rz]
The contents of GPR rz are moved into GPR r32, and r32 can specify any one of the 32 GPRs.
GPR[r32] = GPR[Xlat(rz)]
The instruction word of 0x6500 (move $0,$16), expressed as NOP, is the assembly idiom used to
denote no operation.
I8 01100 |
MOVR32 111 |
ry |
r32 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
MOVE ry, r32 |
MIPS16e |
Move |
To move the contents of a GPR to a GPR.
GPR[ry] = GPR[r32]
The contents of GPR r32 are moved into GPR ry, and r32 can specify any one of the 32 GPRs.
GPR[Xlat(rz)] = GPR[r32]
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
MULT 11000 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
MULT rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Multiply Word |
Multiply Word
To multiply 32-bit signed integers.
(LO, HI) = GPR[rx] * GPR[ry]
The 32-bit word value in GPR rx is multiplied by the 32-bit value in GPR ry, treating both operands as signed values, to produce a 64-bit result. The low-order 32-bit word of the result is placed into special register LO, and the highorder 32-bit word is placed into special register HI.
No arithmetic exception occurs under any circumstances.
prod = GPR[Xlat(rx)] * GPR[Xlat(ry)] LO = sign_extend(prod31..0) HI = sign_extend(prod63..32)
In some processors the integer multiply operation may proceed asynchronously and allow other CPU instructions to execute before it is complete. An attempt to read LO or HI before the results are written interlocks until the results are ready. Asynchronous execution does not affect the program result, but offers an opportunity for performance improvement by scheduling the multiply so that other instructions can execute in parallel.
Programs that require overfl w detection must check for it explicitly.
Where the size of the operands are known, software should place the shorter operand in GPR rt. This may reduce the latency of the instruction on those processors which implement data-dependent instruction latencies.
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
MULTU 11001 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
MULTU rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Multiply Unsigned Word |
Multiply Unsigned Word
To multiply 32-bit unsigned integers.
(LO, HI) = GPR[rx] * GPR[ry]
The 32-bit word value in GPR rx is multiplied by the 32-bit value in GPR ry, treating both operands as unsigned values, to produce a 64-bit result. The low-order 32-bit word of the result is placed into special register LO, and the highorder 32-bit word is placed into special register HI.
No arithmetic exception occurs under any circumstances.
prod = (0 || GPR[Xlat(rx)]) * (0 || GPR[Xlat(ry)]) LO = sign_extend(prod31..0) HI = sign_extend(prod63..32)
In some processors the integer multiply operation may proceed asynchronously and allow other CPU instructions to execute before it is complete. An attempt to read LO or HI before the results are written interlocks until the results are ready. Asynchronous execution does not affect the program result, but offers an opportunity for performance improvement by scheduling the multiply so that other instructions can execute in parallel.
Programs that require overfl w detection must check for it explicitly.
Where the size of the operands are known, software should place the shorter operand in GPR rt. This may reduce the latency of the instruction on those processors which implement data-dependent instruction latencies.
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
NEG 01011 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
NEG rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Negate |
To negate an integer value.
GPR[rx] = 0 - GPR[ry]
The contents of GPR ry are subtracted from zero to form a 32-bit result. The result is placed in GPR rx.
temp = 0 - GPR[Xlat(ry)] GPR[Xlat(rx)] = sign_extend(temp31..0)
I8 01100 |
MOV32R 101 |
0 000 |
0 00 |
0 000 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
MIPS16e Assembly Idiom |
No Operation |
No Operation
To perform no operation.
NOP is the assembly idiom used to denote no operation. The actualinstruction is interpreted by the hardware as
MOVE $0,$16.
The 0x6500 instruction word, which represents MOVE $0,$16, is the preferred NOP for software to use to filjump delay slots and to pad out alignment sequences.
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
NOT 01111 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
NOT rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Not |
To complement an integer value
GPR[rx] = (NOT GPR[ry])
The contents of GPR ry are bitwise-inverted and placed in GPR rx.
GPR[Xlat(rx)] = (not GPR[Xlat(ry)])
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
OR 01101 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
OR rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Or |
To do a bitwise logical OR.
GPR[rx] = GPR[rx] OR GPR[ry]
The contents of GPR ry are combined with the contents of GPR rx in a bitwise logical OR operation. The resultis placed in GPR rx.
GPR[Xlat(rx)] = GPR[Xlat(rx)] or GPR[Xlat(ry)]
I8 01100 |
SVRS 100 |
s 0 |
ra |
s0 |
s1 |
framesize |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
RESTORE {ra,}{s0/s1/s0-1,}{framesize} (All args are optional) |
MIPS16e |
Restore Registers and Deallocate Stack Frame |
Restore Registers and Deallocate Stack Frame
To deallocate a stack frame before exit from a subroutine, restoring return address and static registers, and adjusting stack
GPR[ra] = Stack and/or GPR[17]= Stack and/or GPR[16]= Stack,sp = sp + (framesize*8) sp = sp + (framesize*8)
Restore the ra and/or GPR 16 and/or GPR 17 (s0 and s1 in the MIPS ABI calling convention) registers from the stack if the corresponding ra, s0, ors1 bits of the instruction are set, and adjust the stack pointer by 8 times the framesize value. Registers are loaded from the stack assuming higher numbered registers are stored at higher stack addresses. A framesize value of 0 is interpreted as a stack adjustment of 128.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a general save/restore operation, with the s fieldas a variables. The individual instructions, RESTORE and SAVE have specific alues for this variable.
If either of the 2 least-significan bits of the stack pointer are not zero, and any of the ra, s0, ors1 bits are set, then an
Address Error exception will occur.
if framesize = 0 then temp = GPR[29] + 128 else temp = GPR[29] + (0 || (framesize << 3)) endif temp2 = temp if ra = 1 then temp = temp − 4 GPR[31] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif if s1 = 1 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[17] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif if s0 = 1 then temp = temp − 4 GPR[16] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif GPR[29] = temp2 LoadStackWord(vaddr) if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, WORD, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) LoadStackWord = memword enfunction LoadStackWord
TLB refill, TLB i valid, Address error, Bus Error
This instruction executes for a variable number of cycles and performs a variable number of loads from memory. A full restart of the sequence of operations will be performed on return from any exception taken during execution.
EXTEND 11110 |
xsregs |
framesize 7:4 |
aregs |
I8 01100 |
SVRS 100 |
s 0 |
ra |
s0 |
s1 |
framesize 3:0 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
RESTORE {ra,}{xsregs,}{aregs,}{framesize}(All arguments optional) |
MIPS16e |
Restore Registers and Deallocate Stack Frame (Extended) |
Restore Registers and Deallocate Stack Frame (Extended)
To deallocate a stack frame before exitfrom a subroutine,restoring return address and static registersfrom an extended static register set, and adjusting the stack
GPR[ra] = Stack and/or GPR[18-23,30] = Stack and/or GPR[17] = Stackand/or GPR[16] = Stack and/or GPR[4-7] = Stack, sp = sp + (framesize * 8)
Restore the ra register from the stack if the ra bit is set in the instruction. Restore from the stack the number of registers in the set GPR[18-23,30] indicated by the value of the xsregs field Restore from the stack GPR 16 and/or GPR
17 (s0 and s1 in the MIPS ABI calling convention) from the stack if the corresponding s0 and s1 bits of the instruction are set, restore from the stack the number of registers in the range GPR[4-7] indicated by the aregs field
and adjust the stack pointer by 8 times the 8-bit concatenated framesize value. Registers are loaded from the stack assuming higher numbered registers are stored at higher stack addresses.
Interpretation of the aregs Field
In the standard MIPS ABIs, GPR[4-7] are designated as argument passing registers, a0-a3. When they are so used, they must be saved on the stack at locations allocated by the caller of the routine being entered, but need not be restored on subroutine exit.
In other MIPS16e calling sequences, however,itis possible that some ofthe registers
GPR[4-7] need to be saved as static registers on the local stack instead of on the caller stack, and restored before return from the subroutine. The encoding used for the aregs fiel of an extended RESTORE instruction is the same as that used for the extended SAVE, but since argument registers can be ignored for the purposes of a RESTORE, only the registers treated as static need be handled. The following table shows the RESTORE encoding of the aregs field
aregs Encoding (binary) |
Registers Restored as Static Registers |
0 0 0 0 |
None |
0 0 0 1 |
GPR[7] |
0 0 1 0 |
GPR[6], GPR[7] |
0 0 1 1 |
GPR[5], GPR[6], GPR[7] |
0 1 0 0 |
None |
0 1 0 1 |
GPR[7] |
0 1 1 0 |
GPR[6], GPR[7] |
0 1 1 1 |
GPR[5], GPR[6], GPR[7] |
1 0 0 0 |
None |
1 0 0 1 |
GPR[7] |
1 0 1 0 |
GPR[6], GPR[7] |
1 0 1 1 |
GPR[4], GPR[5], GPR[6]. GPR[7] |
1 1 0 0 |
None |
1 1 0 1 |
GPR[7] |
1 1 1 0 |
None |
1 1 1 1 |
Reserved |
If either of the 2 least-significanbits of the stack pointer are not zero, and any of the ra, s0, s1, orxsregsfieldare non-zero or the aregs fiel contains an encoding that implies a register load, then an Address Error exception will occur.
temp = GPR[29] + (0 || (framesize << 3)) temp2 = temp if ra = 1 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[31] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif if xsregs > 0 then if xsregs > 1 then if xsregs > 2 then if xsregs > 3 then if xsregs > 4 then if xsregs > 5 then if xsregs> 6 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[30] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif temp = temp - 4 GPR[23] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif temp = temp - 4 GPR[22] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif temp = temp - 4 GPR[21] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif temp = temp - 4 GPR[20] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif temp = temp - 4 GPR[19] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif temp = temp - 4 GPR[18] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif if s1 = 1 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[17] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif if s0 = 1 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[16] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif case aregs of 0b0000 0b0100 0b1000 0b1100 0b1110: astatic = 0 0b0001 0b0101 0b1001 0b1101: astatic = 1 0b0010 0b0110 0b1010: astatic = 2 0b0011 0b0111: astatic = 3 0b1011: astatic = 4 otherwise: UNPREDICTABLE endcase if astatic > 0 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[7] = LoadStackWord(temp) if astatic > 1 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[6] = LoadStackWord(temp) if astatic > 2 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[5] = LoadStackWord(temp) if astatic > 3 then temp = temp - 4 GPR[4] = LoadStackWord(temp) endif endif endif endif GPR[29] = temp2 LoadStackWord(vaddr) if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, LOAD) memword = LoadMemory (CCA, WORD, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) LoadStackWord = memword enfunction LoadStackWord
TLB refill, TLB i valid, Address error, Bus Error
This instruction executes for a variable number of cycles and performs a variable number of loads from memory. A full restart of the sequence of operations will be performed on return from any exception taken during execution.
Behavior of the processor is UNPREDICTABLE for Reserved values of aregs.
I8 01100 |
SVRS 100 |
s 1 |
ra |
s0 |
s1 |
framesize |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
SAVE {ra,}{s0/s1/s0-1,}{framesize} (All arguments are optional) |
MIPS16e |
Save Registers and Set Up Stack Frame |
Save Registers and Set Up Stack Frame
To set up a stack frame on entry to a subroutine, saving return address and static registers, and adjusting stack
Stack = GPR[ra] and/or Stack = GPR[17] and/or Stack = GPR[16],sp = sp - (framesize * 8)
Save the ra and/or GPR 16 and/or GPR 17 (s0 and s1 in the MIPS ABI calling convention) on the stack if the corresponding ra, s0, and s1 bits of the instruction are set, and adjust the stack pointer by 8 times the framesize value. Registers are stored with higher numbered registers at higher stack addresses. A framesize value of 0 is interpreted as a stack adjustment of 128.
The opcode and function fieldescribe a general save/restore operation, with the s fieldas a variables. The individual instructions, RESTORE and SAVE have specific alues for this variable.
If either of the 2 least-significan bits of the stack pointer are not zero, and any of the ra, s0, ors1bits are set, then an
Address Error exception will occur.
temp = GPR[29] if ra = 1 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[31]) endif if s1 = 1 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[17]) endif if s0 = 1 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[16]) endif if framesize = 0 then temp = GPR[29] - 128 else temp = GPR[29] - (0 || (framesize << 3)) endif GPR[29] = temp StoreStackWord(vaddr, value) if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, STORE) dataword = value StoreMemory (CCA, WORD, dataword, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) endfunction StoreStackWord
TLB refill, TLB i valid, TLB modified, Address erro , Bus Error
This instruction executes for a variable number of cycles and performs a variable number of stores to memory. A full restart of the sequence of operations will be performed on return from any exception taken during execution.
EXTEND 11110 |
xsregs |
framesize 7:4 |
aregs |
I8 01100 |
SVRS 100 |
s 1 |
ra |
s0 |
s1 |
framesize 3:0 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
SAVE {ra,}{xsregs,}{aregs,}{framesize} (All arguments optional) |
MIPS16e |
Save Registers and Set Up Stack Frame (Extended) |
Save Registers and Set Up Stack Frame (Extended)
To set up a stack frame on entry to a subroutine, saving return address, static, and argument registers, and adjusting the stack
Stack = GPR[ra] and/or Stack = GPR[18-23,30] and/or Stack = GPR[17] and/orStack = GPR[16] and/or Stack = GPR[4-7], sp = sp - (framesize * 8)
Save registers GPR[4-7] specifieto be treated as incoming arguments by the aregs field Save the ra register on the stack if the ra bit of the instruction is set. Save the number of registers in the set GPR[18-23, 30] indicated by the value of the xsregs field and/or GPR 16 and/or GPR 17 (s0 and s1 in the MIPS ABI calling convention) on the stack if the corresponding s0 and s1 bits of the instruction are set. Save the number of registers in the range GPR[4-7] that are to be treated as static registers as indicated by the aregs field and adjust the stack pointer by 8 times the 8-bit concatenated framesize value. Registers are stored with higher numbered registers at higher stack addresses.
Interpretation of the aregs Field
In the standard MIPS ABIs, GPR[4-7] are designated as argument passing registers, a0-a3. When they are so used, they must be saved on the stack at locations allocated by the caller of the routine being entered. In other MIPS16e calling sequences, however, it is possible that some of the registers GPR[4-7] will need to be saved as static registers on the local stack instead of on the caller stack. The encoding of the aregs fiel allows for 0-4 arguments, 0-4 statics, and for mixtures of the two. Registers are bound to arguments in ascending order, a0, a1, a2, and a3, and thus assigned to static values in the reverse order, GPR[7], GPR[6], GPR[5], and GPR[4]. The following table shows the encoding of the aregs field
aregs Encoding (binary) |
Registers Saved as Arguments |
Registers Saved as Static Registers |
0 0 0 0 |
None |
None |
0 0 0 1 |
None |
GPR[7] |
0 0 1 0 |
None |
GPR[6], GPR[7] |
0 0 1 1 |
None |
GPR[5], GPR[6], GPR[7] |
0 1 0 0 |
a0 |
None |
0 1 0 1 |
a0 |
GPR[7] |
0 1 1 0 |
a0 |
GPR[6], GPR[7] |
0 1 1 1 |
a0 |
GPR[5], GPR[6], GPR[7] |
1 0 0 0 |
a0, a1 |
None |
1 0 0 1 |
a0, a1 |
GPR[7] |
1 0 1 0 |
a0, a1 |
GPR[6], GPR[7] |
1 0 1 1 |
None |
GPR[4], GPR[5], GPR[6], GPR[7] |
1 1 0 0 |
a0, a1, a2 |
None |
1 1 0 1 |
a0, a1, a2 |
GPR[7] |
1 1 1 0 |
a0, a1, a2, a3 |
None |
1 1 1 1 |
Reserved |
Reserved |
If either of the 2 least-significanbits of the stack pointer are not zero, and any of the ra, s0, s1, orxsregsfieldare non-zero or the aregs field contains an alue that implies a register store, then an Address Error exception will occur.
temp = GPR[29] temp2 = GPR[29] case aregs of 0b0000 0b0001 0b0010 0b0011 0b1011: args = 0 0b0100 0b0101 0b0110 0b0111: args = 1 0b1000 0b1001 0b1010: args = 2 0b1100 0b1101: args = 3 0b1110: args = 4 otherwise: UNPREDICTABLE endcase if args > 0 then StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[4]) if args > 1 then StoreStackWord(temp + 4, GPR[5]) if args > 2 then StoreStackWord(temp + 8, GPR[6]) if args > 3 then StoreStackWord(temp + 12, GPR[7]) endif endif endif endif if ra = 1 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[31]) endif if xsregs > 0 then if xsregs > 1 then if xsregs > 2 then if xsregs > 3 then if xsregs > 4 then if xsregs > 5 then if xsregs > 6 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[30]) endif temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[23]) endif temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[22]) endif temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[21]) endif temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[20]) endif temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[19]) endif temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[18]) endif if s1 = 1 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[17]) endif if s0 = 1 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[16]) endif case aregs of 0b0000 0b0100 0b1000 0b1100 0b1110: astatic = 0 0b0001 0b0101 0b1001 0b1101: astatic = 1 0b0010 0b0110 0b1010: astatic = 2 0b0011 0b0111: astatic = 3 0b1011: astatic = 4 otherwise: UNPREDICTABLE endcase if astatic > 0 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[7]) if astatic > 1 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[6]) if astatic > 2 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[5]) if astatic > 3 then temp = temp - 4 StoreStackWord(temp, GPR[4]) endif endif endif endif temp = temp2 - (0 || (framesize << 3)) GPR[29] = temp StoreStackWord(vaddr, value) if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, STORE) dataword = value StoreMemory (CCA, WORD, dataword, pAddr, vAddr, DATA) endfunction StoreStackWord
TLB refill, TLB i valid, TLB modified, Address erro , Bus Error
This instruction executes for a variable number of cycles and performs a variable number of stores to memory. A full restart of the sequence of operations will be performed on return from any exception taken during execution.
Behavior of the processor is UNPREDICTABLE for Reserved values of aregs.
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
SB 11000 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SB ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Store Byte (Extended) |
Store Byte (Extended)
To store a byte to memory.
memory[GPR[rx] + offset] = GPR[ry]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The leastsignificant byte of GP
ry is stored at the effective address.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, STORE) pAddr = pAddrPSIZE-1..2 || (pAddr1..0 xor ReverseEndian2) bytesel = vAddr1..0 xor BigEndianCPU2 dataword = GPR[rt]31-8*bytesel..0 || 08*bytesel StoreMemory (CCA, BYTE, dataword, pAddr, vAddr, DATA)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, TLB Modified, Bus Erro , Address Error
RR 11101 |
code |
SDBBP 00001 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
SDBBP code |
Software Debug Breakpoint |
Software Debug Breakpoint
To cause a debug breakpoint exception
This instruction causes a debug exception, passing control to the debug exception handler. If the processor is executing in Debug Mode when the SDBBP instruction is executed the exception is a Debug Mode Exception, which sets the DebugDExcCode fiel to the value 0x9 (Bp). The code fiel can be used for passing information to the debug exception handler, and is retrieved by the debug exception handler only by loading the contents of the memory word containing the instruction, using the DEPC register. The CODE field is not used in a y way by the hardware.
If DebugDM = 0 then SignalDebugBreakpointException() else SignalDebugModeBreakpointException() endif
Debug Breakpoint Exception
Debug Mode Breakpoint Exception
RR 11101 |
rx |
SEB 100 |
CNVT 10001 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SEB rx |
MIPS16e |
Sign-Extend Byte |
Sign-Extend Byte
Sign-extend least significant byte in r gister rx.
GPR[rx] = sign_extend(GPR[rx]7..0)
The least significant byte of GPrx is sign-extended and the value written back to rx.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] GPR[Xlat(rx)] = sign_extend(temp7..0)
RR 11101 |
rx |
SEH 101 |
CNVT 10001 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SEH rx |
MIPS16e |
Sign-Extend Halfword |
Sign-Extend Halfword
Sign-extend least significantord in register rx.
GPR[rx] = sign_extend(GPR[rx]15..0);
The least significant halford of GPR rx is sign-extended and the value written back to rx.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] GPR[Xlat(rx)] = sign_extend(temp15..0)
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
SH 11001 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SH ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Store Halfword (Extended) |
Store Halfword (Extended)
To store a halfword to memory.
memory[GPR[rx] + offset] = GPR[ry]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The leastsignificant half ord of GPR ry is stored at the effective address.
The effective address must be naturally-aligned.Ifthe least-significanbit ofthe address is non-zero, an Address
Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] if vAddr0 != 0 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, STORE) pAddr = pAddrPSIZE-1..2 || (pAddr11..0 xor (ReverseEndian || 0)) bytesel = vAddr11..0 xor (BigEndianCPU || 0) dataword = GPR[Xlat(ry)]31-8*bytesel..0|| 08*bytesel StoreMemory (CCA, HALFWORD, dataword, pAddr, vAddr, DATA)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, TLB Modified, Bus Erro , Address Error
EXTEND 11110 |
sa4:0 |
0 000000 |
SHIFT 00110 |
rx |
ry |
0 000 |
SLL 00 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
SLL rx, ry, sa |
MIPS16e |
Shift Word Left Logical (Extended) |
Shift Word Left Logical (Extended)
To execute a left-shift of a word by a fi ed number of bits-0 to 31 bits.
GPR[rx] = GPR[ry] << sa
The 32-bit contents of GPR ry are shifted left, and zeros are inserted into the emptied low-order bits. The 5-bit sa field specifies the shift amount. The result is placed into G
s = sa temp = GPR[Xlat(ry)](31-s)..0|| 0s GPR[Xlat(rx)] = temp
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
SLLV 00100 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SLLV ry, rx |
MIPS16e |
Shift Word Left Logical Variable |
Shift Word Left Logical Variable
To execute a left-shift of a word by a variable number of bits.
GPR[ry] = GPR[ry] << GPR[rx]
The 32-bit contents of GPR ry are shifted left, and zeros are inserted into the emptied low-order bits; the result word is and placed back in GPR ry. The 5 low-order bits of GPR rx specify the shift amount.
s = GPR[Xlat(rx)]4..0 temp = GPR[Xlat(ry)](31-s)..0|| 0s GPR[Xlat(ry)] = temp
EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:5 |
imm 15:11 |
SLTI 01010 |
rx |
0 000 |
imm 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SLTI rx, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Set on Less Than Immediate (Extended) |
Set on Less Than Immediate (Extended)
To record the result of a less-than comparison with a constant.
T = (GPR[rx] < immediate)
The 16-bitimmediate is sign-extended and subtracted from the contents of GPR rx. Considering both quantities as signed integers, if GPR rx is less than the sign-extended immediate, the result is set to 1 (true); otherwise, the result is set to 0 (false). The result is placed into GPR 24.
if GPR[Xlat(rx)] < sign_extend(immediate) then GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN-1 || 1 else GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN endif
EXTEND 11110 |
imm 10:5 |
imm 15:11 |
SLTIU 01011 |
rx |
0 000 |
imm 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SLTIU rx, immediate |
MIPS16e |
Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned (Extended) |
Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned (Extended)
To record the result of an unsigned less-than comparison with a constant.
T = (GPR[rx] < immediate)
The 16-bitimmediate is sign-extended and subtracted from the contents of GPR rx. Considering both quantities as unsigned integers, if GPR rx is less than the sign-extended immediate, the result is set to 1 (true); otherwise, the result is set to 0 (false). The result is placed into GPR 24.
if (0 || GPR[Xlat(rx)]) < (0 || sign_extend(immediate)) then GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN-1 || 1 else GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN endif
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
SLT 00010 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SLT rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Set on Less Than |
Set on Less Than
To record the result of a less-than comparison.
T = (GPR[rx] < GPR[ry])
The contents of GPR ry are subtracted from the contents of GPR rx. Considering both quantities as signed integers, if the contents of GPR rx are less than the contents of GPR ry, the result is set to 1 (true); otherwise, the result is set to 0
(false). This result is placed into GPR 24.
if GPR[Xlat(rx)] < GPR[Xlat(ry)] then GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN-1 || 1 else GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN endif
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
SLTU 00011 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SLTU rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Set on Less Than Unsigned |
Set on Less Than Unsigned
To record the result of an unsigned less-than comparison.
T = (GPR[rx] < GPR[ry])
The contents of GPR ry are subtracted from the contents of GPR rx. Considering both quantities as unsigned integers, if the contents of GPR rx are less than the contents of GPR ry, set the result to 1 (true); otherwise, set the result to 0
(false). The result is placed into GPR 24.
if (0 || GPR[Xlat(rx)]) < (0 || GPR[Xlat(ry)]) then GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN-1 || 1 else GPR[24] = 0GPRLEN endif
EXTEND 11110 |
sa4:0 |
0 000000 |
SHIFT 00110 |
rx |
ry |
0 000 |
SRA 11 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
SRA rx, ry, sa |
MIPS16e |
Shift Word Right Arithmetic (Extended) |
Shift Word Right Arithmetic (Extended)
To execute an arithmetic right-shift of a word by a fi ed number of bits-0 to 31bits.
GPR[rx] = GPR[ry] >> sa (arithmetic)
The 32-bit contents of GPR ry are shifted right, and the sign bit is replicated into the emptied high-order bits. The 5bit sa field specifies the shift amount. The result is placed into G
s = sa temp = (GPR[Xlat(ry)]31)s || GPR[Xlat(ry)]31..s GPR[Xlat(rx)] = sign_extend(temp31..0)
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
SRAV 00111 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SRAV ry, rx |
MIPS16e |
Shift Word Right Arithmetic Variable |
Shift Word Right Arithmetic Variable
To execute an arithmetic right-shift of a word by a variable number of bits.
GPR[ry] = GPR[ry] >> GPR[rx] (arithmetic)
The 32-bit contents of GPR ry are shifted right, and the sign bitis replicated into the emptied high-order bits;the word result is placed back in GPR ry. The 5 low-order bits of GPR rx specify the shift amount.
s = GPR[Xlat(rx)]4..0 temp = (GPR[Xlat(ry)]31)s || GPR[Xlat(ry)]31..s GPR[Xlat(ry)] = temp
EXTEND 11110 |
sa4:0 |
0 000000 |
SHIFT 00110 |
rx |
ry |
0 000 |
SRL 10 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
SRL rx, ry, sa |
MIPS16e |
Shift Word Right Logical (Extended) |
Shift Word Right Logical (Extended)
To execute a logical right-shift of a word by a fi ed number of bits-0 to 31 bits.
GPR[rx] = GPR[ry] >> sa (logical)
The 32-bit contents of GPR ry are shifted right, and zeros are inserted into the emptied high-order bits. The 5-bit sa field specifies the shift amount. The result is placed into G
s = sa temp = 0s || GPR[Xlat(ry)]31..s GPR[Xlat(rx)] = temp
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
SRLV 00110 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SRLV ry, rx |
MIPS16e |
Shift Word Right Logical Variable |
Shift Word Right Logical Variable
To execute a logical right-shift of a word by a variable number of bits.
GPR[ry] = GPR[ry] >> GPR[rx] (logical)
The 32-bit contents of GPR ry are shifted right, and zeros are inserted into the emptied high-order bits;the word result is placed back in GPR ry. The 5 low-order bits of GPR rx specify the shift amount.
s = GPR[Xlat(rx)]4..0 temp = 0s || GPR[Xlat(ry)]31..s GPR[Xlat(ry)] = temp
RRR 11100 |
rx |
ry |
rz |
SUBU 11 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
SUBU rz, rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Subtract Unsigned Word |
Subtract Unsigned Word
To subtract 32-bit integers.
GPR[rz] = GPR[rx] - GPR[ry]
The 32-bit word value in GPR ry is subtracted from the 32-bit value in GPR rx and the 32-bit arithmetic resultis placed into GPR rz.
No integer overfl w exception occurs under any circumstances.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] - GPR[Xlat(ry)] GPR[Xlat(rz)] = (temp)
The term "unsigned" in the instruction name is a misnomer;this operation is 32-bit modulo arithmetic that does not trap on overfl w. It is appropriate for unsigned arithmetic, such as address arithmetic, or integer arithmetic environments that ignore overfl w, such as C language arithmetic.
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
I8 01100 |
SWRASP 010 |
0 000 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SW ra, offset(sp) |
MIPS16e |
Store Word (SP-Relative, Extended) |
Store Word
(SP-Relative, Extended)
To store register ra SP-relative to memory.
memory[sp + offset] = ra
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR 29 to form the effective address. The contents of GPR 31 are stored at the effective address.
The effective address must be naturally-aligned. If either of the 2 least-significanbits of the address is non-zero, an
Address Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[29] if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, STORE) dataword = GPR[31] StoreMemory (CCA, WORD, dataword, pAddr, vAddr, DATA)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, TLB Modified, Address Erro
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
SWSP 11010 |
rx |
0 000 |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SW rx, offset(sp) |
MIPS16e |
Store Word (SP-Relative) |
Store Word
(SP-Relative, Extended)
To store an SP-relative word to memory.
memory[GPR[sp] + offset] = GPR[rx]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR 29 to form the effective address. The contents of GPR rx are stored at the effective address.
The effective address must be naturally-aligned. If either of the two least-significan bits of the address is non-zero, an
Address Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[29] if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, STORE) dataword = GPR[Xlat(rx)] StoreMemory (CCA, WORD, dataword, pAddr, vAddr, DATA)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, TLB Modified, Bus Erro , Address Error
EXTEND 11110 |
offset 10:5 |
offset 15:11 |
SW 11011 |
rx |
ry |
offset 4:0 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
SW ry, offset(rx) |
MIPS16e |
Store Word (Extended) |
Store Word (Extended)
To store a word to memory.
memory[GPR[rx] + offset] = GPR[ry]
The 16-bit offsetis sign-extended and then added to the contents of GPR rx to form the effective address. The contents of GPR ry are stored at the effective address.
The effective address must be naturally-aligned. If either of the 2 least-significanbits of the address is non-zero, an
Address Error exception occurs.
vAddr = sign_extend(offset) + GPR[Xlat(rx)] if vAddr1..0 != 02 then SignalException(AddressError) endif (pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation (vAddr, DATA, STORE) dataword = GPR[Xlat(ry)] StoreMemory (CCA, WORD, dataword, pAddr, vAddr, DATA)
TLB Refill, TLB I valid, TLB Modified, Bus Erro , Address Error
RR 11101 |
rx |
ry |
XOR 01110 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
XOR rx, ry |
MIPS16e |
Exclusive OR |
Exclusive OR
To do a bitwise logical Exclusive OR.
GPR[rx] = GPR[rx] XOR GPR[ry]
The contents of GPR ry are combined with the contents of GPR rx in a bitwise Exclusive OR operation. The result is placed in GPR rx.
GPR[Xlat(rx)] = GPR[Xlat(rx)] xor GPR[Xlat(ry)]
RR 11101 |
rx |
ZEB 000 |
CNVT 10001 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
ZEB rx |
MIPS16e |
Zero-Extend Byte |
Zero-Extend Byte
Zero-extend least significant byte in r gister rx.
GPR[rx] = zero_extend(GPR[rx]7..0);
The least significant byte of GPrx is zero-extended and the value written back to rx.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] GPR[Xlat(rx)] = 0 || temp7..0
RR 11101 |
rx |
ZEH 001 |
CNVT 10001 |
5 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
ZEH rx |
MIPS16e |
Zero-Extend Halfword |
Zero-Extend Halfword
Zero-extend least significant halford in register rx.
GPR[rx] = zero_extend(GPR[rx]15..0);
The least significant halford of GPR rx is zero-extended and the value written back to rx.
temp = GPR[Xlat(rx)] GPR[Xlat(rx)] = 0 || temp15..0