















PREFE hint,offset(base)


Prefetch EVA


Prefetch EVA

To move data between user mode virtual address space memory and cache while operating in kernel mode.


 prefetch_memory(GPR[base] + offset)

PREFE adds the 9-bit signed offset to the contents of GPR base to form an effective byte address. The hint field supplies information about the way that the data is expected to be used.

PREFE enables the processor to take some action, causing data to be moved to or from the cache, to improve program performance. The action taken for a specific PREFE instruction is both system and context dependent. Any action, including doing nothing, is permitted as long as it does not change architecturally visible state or alter the meaning of a program. Implementations are expected either to do nothing, or to take an action that increases the performance of the program. The PrepareForStore function is unique in that it may modify the architecturally visible state.

PREFE does not cause addressing-related exceptions, including TLB exceptions. If the address specified would cause an addressing exception, the exception condition is ignored and no data movement occurs.However even if no data is moved, some action that is not architecturally visible, such as writeback of a dirty cache line, can take place.

It is implementation dependent whether a Bus Error or Cache Error exception is reported if such an error is detected as a byproduct of the action taken by the PREFE instruction.

PREFE neither generates a memory operation nor modifies the state of a cache line for a location with an uncached memory access type, whether this type is specified by the address segment (for example, kseg1), the programmed cacheability and coherency attribute of a segment (for example, the use of the K0, KU, or K23 fields in the Config register), or the per-page cacheability and coherency attribute provided by the TLB.

If PREFE results in a memory operation, the memory access type and cacheability & coherency attribute used for the operation are determined by the memory access type and cacheability & coherency attribute of the effective address, just as it would be if the memory operation had been caused by a load or store to the effective address.

For a cached location, the expected and useful action for the processor is to prefetch a block of data that includes the effective address. The size of the block and the level of the memory hierarchy it is fetched into are implementation specific.

In coherent multiprocessor implementations, if the effective address uses a coherent Cacheability and Coherency

Attribute (CCA), then the instruction causes a coherent memory transaction to occur. This means a prefetch issued on one processor can cause data to be evicted from the cache in another processor.

The PREFE instruction and the memory transactions which are sourced by the PREFE instruction, such as cache refill or cache writeback, obey the ordering and completion rules of the SYNC instruction.

The PREFE instruction functions in exactly the same fashion as the PREF instruction, except that address translation is performed using the user mode virtual address space mapping in the TLB when accessing an address within a memory segment configured to use the MUSUK access mode. Memory segments using UUSK or MUSK access modes are also accessible. Refer to Volume III, Enhanced Virtual Addressing section for additional information.

Implementation of this instruction is specified by the Config5EVA field being set to one.

Table 5.3 Values of hint Field for PREFE Instruction



Data Use and Desired Prefetch Action



Use: Prefetched data is expected to be read (not modified). Action: Fetch data as if for a load.



Use: Prefetched data is expected to be stored or modified. Action: Fetch data as if for a store.


L1 LRU hint

Pre-Release 6: Reserved for Architecture. Release 6: Implementation dependent. This hint code marks the line as LRU in the L1 cache and thus preferred for next eviction. Implementations can choose to writeback and/or invalidate as long as no architectural state is modified.


Reserved for Implementation

Pre-Release 6: Reserved for Architecture. Release 6: Available for implementation-dependent use.



Use: Prefetched data is expected to be read (not modified) but not reused extensively; it "streams" through cache. Action: Fetch data as if for a load and place it in the cache so that it does not displace data prefetched as "retained."



Use: Prefetched data is expected to be stored or modified but not reused extensively; it "streams" through cache. Action: Fetch data as if for a store and place it in the cache so that it does not displace data prefetched as "retained."



Use: Prefetched data is expected to be read (not modified) and reused extensively; it should be "retained" in the cache. Action: Fetch data as if for a load and place it in the cache so that it is not displaced by data prefetched as "streamed."



Use: Prefetched data is expected to be stored or modified and reused extensively; it should be "retained" in the cache. Action: Fetch data as if for a store and place it in the cache so that it is not displaced by data prefetched as "streamed."


L2 operation

Pre-Release 6: Reserved for Architecture. Release 6: Hint codes 8 - 15 are treated the same as hint codes 0 - 7 respectively, but operate on the L2 cache.


L3 operation

Pre-Release 6: Reserved for Architecture. Release 6: Hint codes 16 - 23 are treated the same as hint codes 0 - 7 respectively, but operate on the L3 cache.


Reserved for Architecture

Pre-Release 6: Unassigned by the Architecture - available for implementationdependent use. Release 6: This hint code is not implemented in the Release 6 architecture and generates a Reserved Instruction exception (RI).


writeback_invalidate (also known as "nudge") Reserved for Architecture in Release 6

Pre-Release 6: Use-Data is no longer expected to be used. Action-For a writeback cache, schedule a writeback of any dirty data. At the completion of the writeback, mark the state of any cache lines written back as invalid. If the cache line is not dirty, it is implementation dependent whether the state of the cache line is marked invalid or left unchanged. If the cache line is locked, no action is taken. Release 6: This hint code is not implemented in the Release 6 architecture and generates a Reserved Instruction exception (RI).


Reserved for Architecture

Pre-Release 6: Unassigned by the Architecture - available for implementationdependent use. Release 6: These hint codes are not implemented in the Release 6 architecture and generate a Reserved Instruction exception (RI).


PrepareForStore Reserved for Architecture in Release 6

Pre-Release 6: Use-Prepare the cache for writing an entire line, without the overhead involved in filling the line from memory. Action-If the reference hits in the cache, no action is taken. If the reference misses in the cache, a line is selected for replacement, any valid and dirty victim is written back to memory, the entire line is filled with zero data, and the state of the line is marked as valid and dirty. Programming Note: Because the cache line is filled with zero data on a cache miss, software must not assume that this action, in and of itself, can be used as a fast bzero-type function. Release 6: This hint code is not implemented in the Release 6 architecture and generates a Reserved Instruction exception (RI).


Reserved for Architecture

Pre-Release 6: Unassigned by the Architecture - available for implementationdependent use. Release 6: This hint code is not implemented in the Release 6 architecture and generates a Reserved Instruction exception (RI).


Only usable when access to Coprocessor0 is enabled and when accessing an address within a segment configured using UUSK, MUSK or MUSUK access mode.

This instruction does not produce an exception for a misaligned memory address, since it has no memory access size.


vAddr = GGPR[base] + sign_extend(offset)
(pAddr, CCA) = AddressTranslation(vAddr, DATA, LOAD)
Prefetch(CCA, pAddr, vAddr, DATA, hint)


Bus Error, Cache Error, Address Error, Reserved Instruction, Coprocessor Usable

Prefetch does not take any TLB-related or address-related exceptions under any circumstances.

Programming Notes:

In the Release 6 architecture, hint codes 0:23 behave as a NOP and never signal a Reserved Instruction exception

(RI). Hint codes 24:31 are not implemented (treated as reserved) and always signal a Reserved Instruction exception


Prefetch cannot move data to or from a mapped location unless the translation for that location is present in the TLB.

Locations in memory pages that have not been accessed recently may not have translations in the TLB, so prefetch may not be effective for such locations.

Prefetch does not cause addressing exceptions. A prefetch may be used using an address pointer before the validity of the pointer is determined without worrying about an addressing exception.

It is implementation dependent whether a Bus Error or Cache Error exception is reported if such an error is detected as a byproduct of the action taken by the PREFE instruction. Typically, this only occurs in systems which have highreliability requirements.

Prefetch operations have no effect on cache lines that were previously locked with the CACHE instruction.

Hint field encodings whose function is described as "streamed" or "retained" convey usage intent from software to

hardware. Software should not assume that hardware will always prefetch data in an optimal way. If data is to be truly retained, software should use the Cache instruction to lock data into the cache.