MSA 011110 |
1100 |
df |
wt |
ws |
wd |
3RF 011100 |
6 |
4 |
1 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
MULR_Q.df |
Vector Fixed-Point Multiply Rounded | |
MULR_Q.H wd,ws,wt |
Vector Fixed-Point Multiply Rounded |
MULR_Q.W wd,ws,wt |
Vector Fixed-Point Multiply Rounded |
Vector Fixed-Point Multiply Rounded
Vector fixed-point multiply rounded.
wd[i] = round(ws[i] * wt[i])
The fixed-point elements in vector wt multiplied by fixed-point elements in vector ws. The rounded result is written to vector wd.
Fixed-point multiplication for 16-bit Q15 and 32-bit Q31 is a regular signed multiplication followed by one bit shift left with saturation. Only the most significant half of the result is preserved.
The rounding is done by adding 1 to the most significant bit that is going to be discarded prior to shifting left the full multiplication result.
The operands and results are values in fixed-point data format df.
No data-dependent exceptions are possible.
MULR_Q.H for i in 0 .. WRLEN/16-1 WR[wd]16i+15..16i = q_mulr(WR[ws]16i+15..16i, WR[wt]16i+15..16i, 16) endfor MULR_Q.W for i in 0 .. WRLEN/32-1 WR[wd]32i+31..32i = q_mulr(WR[ws]32i+31..32i, WR[wt]32i+31..32i, 32) endfor function mulx_s(ts, tt, n) s = (tsn-1)n || tsn-1..0 t = (ttn-1)n || ttn-1..0 p = s * t return p2n-1..0 endfunction mulx_s function q_mulr(ts, tt, n) if ts = 1 || 0n-1 and tt = 1 || 0n-1 then return 0 || 1n-1 else p = mulx_s(ts, tt, n) p = p + (1 || 0n-2) return p2n-2..n-1 endfunction q_mulr
Reserved Instruction Exception, MSA Disabled Exception.