SPECIAL 000000 |
rs |
rt |
rd |
000 |
sa |
LSA 000101 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
Left Shift Add | |
LSA rd,rs,rt,sa |
Left Shift Add |
Left Shift Add
To left-shift a word by a fixed number of bits and add the result to another word.
GPR[rd] = (GPR[rs] << (sa + 1)) + GPR[rt]
The 32-bit word value in GPR rs is shifted left, inserting zeros into the emptied bits; the 32-bit word result is added to the 32-bit value in GPR rt and the 32-bit arithmetic result is sign-extended and placed into GPR rd.
No Integer Overflow exception occurs under any circumstances.
A Reserved Instruction Exception is signaled if MSA implementation is not present.
If GPR rt does not contain sign-extended 32-bit values (bits 63..31 equal), then the result of the operation is UNPREDICTABLE.
if NotWordValue(GPR[rt]) then UNPREDICTABLE endif if Config3MSAP = 1 then s = sa + 1 temp = (GPR[rs](31-s)..0 || 0s) + GPR[rt] GPR[rd] = sign_extend(temp31..0) else SignalException(ReservedInstruction) endif
Reserved Instruction Exception.
Unlike nearly all other word operations, the LSA input operand GPR rs does not have to be a properly sign-extended word value to produce a valid sign-extended 32-bit result. The result word is always sign-extended into a 64-bit destination register.