MSA 011110 |
110010000 |
df |
ws |
wd |
2RF 011110 |
6 |
9 |
1 |
5 |
5 |
6 |
Vector Floating-Point Class Mask | |
FCLASS.W wd,ws |
Vector Floating-Point Class Mask |
FCLASS.D wd,ws |
Vector Floating-Point Class Mask |
Vector Floating-Point Class Mask
Vector floating-point class shown as a bit mask for Zero, Negative, Infinite, Subnormal, Quiet NaN, or Signaling
wd[i] = class(ws[i])
Store in each element of v ector wd a bit mask reflecting the floating-point class of the correspo nding element of vector ws.
The mask has 10 bits as follows. Bits 0 and 1 indicate NaN values: signaling NaN (bit 0) and quiet NaN (bit 1). Bits
2, 3, 4, 5 classify negative values: infinity (bit 2), normal (bit 3), subnormal (bit 4), and zer o (bit 5). Bits 6, 7, 8, 9 classify positive values:infinity (bit 6), normal (bit 7), subnormal (bit 8), and zero (bit 9).
The input values and generated bit masks are not affected by the flush-to-zero bit FS in MSA Control and Status
Register MSACSR.
The operands are values in floating-point data format df. The results are values in integer data format df.
No data-dependent exceptions are possible.
FCLASS.W for i in 0 .. WRLEN/32-1 c = ClassFP(WR[ws]32i+31..32i, 32) WR[wd]32i+31..32i = 022 || c9..0 endfor FCLASS.D for i in 0 .. WRLEN/64-1 c = ClassFP(WR[ws]64i+63..64i, 64) WR[wd]64i+63..64i = 054 || c9..0 endfor function ClassFP(tt, n) /* Implementation defined class operation. */ endfunction ClassFP
Reserved Instruction Exception, MSA Disabled Exception.