COP1 010001 |
01111 |
wt |
s16 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
16 |
Immediate Branch If Not Zero (At Least One Element of Any Format Is Not Zero) | |
BNZ.V wt,s16 |
Immediate Branch If Not Zero (At Least One Element of Any Format Is Not Zero) |
Immediate Branch If Not Zero (At Least One Element of Any Format Is Not Zero)
Immediate PC offset branch if destination vector is not zero.
if wt != 0 then branch PC-relative s16
PC-relative branch if at least one bit in wt is not zero, i.e at least one element is not zero regardless of the data format. The branch instruction has a delay slot. s16 is a PC word offset, i.e. signed count of 32-bit instructions, from the PC of the delay slot.
Processor operation is UNPREDICTABLE if a branch is placed in the delay slot of a branch or jump.
branch(WR[wt] != 0, s16) function branch(cond, offset) if cond then I: target_offset = (offset9)GPRLEN-12 || offset9..0 || 0^^2 I+1: PC = PC + target_offset endif endfunction branch
Reserved Instruction Exception, MSA Disabled Exception.